1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books before Kindergarten sounds like a huge amount, right? But if you stop and break it down, 1000 books before Kindergarten can easily equal out to:
- 1 bedtime story each night for 3 years
- OR 10 books a week for 2 years
- OR 20 books a week for just 1 year
Use our Beanstack website or app to log your books - vermillioncpl.beanstack.org - or pick up a paper log from the library. The program is ongoing and only ends when the child starts kindergarten. Sign your child up today to get their name added to the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten board in the Children's Room. The children's librarian will move it around to the different milestones as they reach them! Upon reaching 1000, they'll recieve a special certificiate, book, and celebratory Facebook post! (If desired)
For questions or more information about this or any of our children's programs, call the Children's Librarian at 765-492-3555 or email her by clicking HERE.